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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Overcome More / The Currency of Failure

The Currency of Failure

The lesson that you learned, because you failed, is priceless.

That lesson is the value, it is the nugget, it is the currency of failure. It makes it all worthwhile.

Failing is the price you pay today that will enable you to succeed tomorrow.

You are putting a deposit in the bank of experience that you can withdraw from in the future, to make the right decisions at that time because as you go through life, you’ll start to identify patterns.

This situation looks a little like that situation I faced before. It might have been days, years, or months ago, and I know what not to do now because of that failure back then.

So understand there is benefit to failure. You learn something. It might be a tragedy, but you learn what not to do.

Failing sucks most of the time, and it might be hard to see right now, but just know that this lesson will serve you one day and you’ll be grateful for it.

2024-03-15T13:28:00+00:00Overcome More|