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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Dream More / Hindsight Makes Dreams Possible

Hindsight Makes Dreams Possible

They say hindsight is 20/20.

Personally I always thought that was a stupid, self defeating saying.

Looking back and knowing you made the wrong decision isn’t necessarily helpful.

I truly believe you make the best decisions you can at the time with the information you have available to you. Nobody wants to make mistakes.

That said, reflection on the past is important for learning. If you can not learn from your mistakes, then you will keep making them over and over again.

It’s thoughtful reflection, followed by determined action, that makes the mistakes of the past the lessons of today.

Some questions I ask myself:
How do you avoid that mistake again?
What assumptions were made, and what happened that you can learn from?

In every mistake there is a learning, a lesson, even if it’s not to do that thing again, whatever it is.

When you are reflecting, ask yourself, is there something deeper? Something more systemic? Something structural that can change to be better to avoid those things again?

What different choice would help you build the foundation for the future?

All of these things are only realized through thought and reflection, and that moment you realize that your thoughts control where you are, what you do, and how far you’ll go, is the moment you realize that your dreams are possible.

2024-05-07T12:37:35+00:00Dream More|