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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Self Design

It is your own internal conversations that influence your perception of the world.

I’ve been contemplating the thought that no one thinks they are evil. That whatever they do, however they behave, whatever actions they take, it’s for a good reason in their own minds.

It makes sense to me that everyone thinks they are good, insightful, smart, and positive human beings most of the time.

I’m not sure what everyone else thinks, but I do know when I stop and think about it, despite my best intentions, sometimes I’m not good, insightful, smart, or positive.

And that’s OK.

The reason that’s OK is because I also know that with self forgiveness, learning, and training, you can become the best version of you possible. Nobody is perfect, and you’ll make mistakes. Own them by changing your behavior.

You can do this because you have the ability to shape and change your mind.

As it was once said, you form your habits, then your habits form you.

So ask yourself: Who do you want to be?

Who do you admire? Who has what you want to have? Who is the kind of person you look up to, either with admiration, or envy?

Figure out what habits they have, then execute on them yourself. Adapt their habits to suit your current situation and lifestyle, then change as you change.

You will pass through various stages of self awareness, growth, and excitement on your journey, but it will also be hard, and suck, and you’ll want to quit.

You will find yourself on a journey that’s as unique as you are.

Your path is your path, no one has the experiences you do, so no one can really understand what you’ve been through, or are going through.

Just know we are all going through something. What that something is, is our own cross to bear, but the best thing about it is it’s ours.

The fact I have borne all the crosses I have, and still move forward is inspiring to me, and that’s the best part. I inspire me.

What comes from in me, can not be taken from me.

What comes from in me, is part of me, and I can change who I am, and how I act. This was a life altering discovery for me.

And even if you don’t do so today, you can inspire you too.

All you have to do is figure out who want to be, learn the habits they have, adopt, shape, and form those habits for your self, and those habits that will form you.

By doing this, taking their habits, process, and learning and applying it to yourself, you will inevitably become your own best version of you, with hints of the person you admire.

What a gift that is. Knowing you can design the person you will become.

I hope you make the most of it.

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