Quantum Perspective
I only have a very basic perspective on quantum mechanics and quantum computing.
The way I visualize a quantum computer working when trying to solve a problem is like the reverse of a drop of water into a pool of water.
When a question is asked, the wave starts at the outsides of the pool, and works it’s way inwards with increasing speed towards the answer.
So it’s not a linear process, where by normal computing one answer is tried, then another, then another in a one-after-the-other process. It’s an all-at-once process. Moving with increasing speed towards the answer as more and more answers are deemed to be incorrect, until finally, the correct answer is the drop rising out of the center of the pool.
Now the drop won’t always be in the center. It could be off to one side, but the correct answer is there amongst the infinite possibilities.
You have the ability to control your future in the same way if you think about it. What you focus on, where your energy flows, narrows down the possibilities as you start to get closer and closer to what you want.
By making choices such as where to go to school, and what to take there, impacts your future career. Who you date, and what you spend your time doing, impacts your future happiness. By choosing certain paths, you are narrowing down those possibilities of getting to the outcome you want (your career and happiness for example).
Your perspective impacts your choices and actions.
By choosing particular actions, you become focused on a particular path and outcome.
These choices will eliminate other options, and the more you focus, the more you will become aware of things that will help you get there.
The future can be any one of an infinite number of possibilities. However, as the future moves closer, the odds on any one thing happening get better and better.
Until, one day, the future is the present and you are living what you dreamed about.
There are a million steps, a million things that have to go right, a million moments that have to align for this one particular moment to happen.
But with a quantum perspective you can make it happen. Your decisions, actions, and perceptions make your moments real.
That is the power of time, and your perspective of it.