
broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end

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Why did I call this website an Algorithm for Life? There were plenty of other titles, most of which were self-serving, egotistical, or otherwise unsuitable for what I was trying to accomplish.

My name is Dave Burnett.  I’m a Father, Husband, Entrepreneur, Board Member, Investor, Speaker, Volunteer and CEO. The idea behind this website was sparked by two different conversations with two different young people. The question they asked was:

“How do you become successful and good?  I don’t want to be successful if it means I have to be evil.”

Hearing it once was surprising enough. But twice? That got me thinking hard.

What kind of resources out there are there for young adults, just getting started in the world, to lean on? What magical thing happens when you turn 18, that all of a sudden you’re supposed to know how to navigate the world? What reference points do they have for good, and successful, in this crazy world we’re living in?

That’s when the idea for this site was born. The purpose of this collection of thoughts is to be a guidebook, and communicate to you some shortcuts to reaching your fullest potential. Hopefully you will use it to bypass some expensive failures, and to help you follow the path without getting as lost in the forest as I did.

Like you, I didn’t get much guidance in my early adulthood because I lost my father relatively early in my journey. He had a ton more to give to the world than he was able to in the short time he was here. Most importantly he didn’t write down what he’d learned, and he didn’t pass much on to me except in small bits and bites. So, I’m learning from that mistake and writing what I’ve learned down for you to use as you please.

Hopefully, it will be used for good.

While I do have some ability to create, 90% of what is shared here was borrowed from others and I’ll give them credit where I can. Everyone has strengths, and one of mine is standing on the shoulders of genius’, and compiling and communicating some learnings.

The good news is you don’t have to be a CEO, or entrepreneur, or have any idea where your life is headed to use the thoughts and learnings here.  Most of what exists in your life was created by people no smarter than you (or me). Steve Jobs said that at a commencement speech, and while I’m not his biggest fan, his point is a good one.

One illusion that may be generated by calling this an algorithm is that there are some magical insights within these notes that will give you some secret to success in life. I’m sorry, the bad news is that what’s shared here is simple, but it’s not easy, and the vast majority of the time you already know what is required to get everything you want in life.

Not only is it hard, it just seems unfair. Why should I give up what I like to eat and want to have and treat other people better than they treat me?

Let me give you an example. Most people want to be skinny, rich, and happy. Here’s the secret: You already know how to be skinny, rich and happy. Don’t believe me? Try this and I can guarantee success:

  • Consume fewer calories, and get exercise every day, and you’ll be skinny.
  • Save more than you spend, and invest it wisely, and over time you will become rich.
  • Expect less of others, and more from yourself, and you will be happier.

All three of those lifelong goals that support billion dollar industries are solved in a sentence or two. That said, just because something is simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.

  • It’s hard with amazing things like Krispy Kreme donuts in the world, to eat less.
  • It’s hard with all the things you want to buy and have in this world today, to save and invest.
  • It’s hard to hold yourself to a higher standard, and lower it for others.

Valid points, and you will have to decide for yourself if becoming the best version of you is worth it or not.

These goals, and others you may have, take work and I’m hoping to pass on the fact that just knowing the answer is not enough, you have to act on that knowledge. I will warn you again, the journey will not be an easy one, and unfortunately you will lose friends along the way. The good news is you’ll make new ones but change is never easy.

Time for a reality check. No matter how well this is written, you’ll have to experience it for yourself. You can’t suddenly have the experience of a 45 year old if you’re only 18, nor can a 45 year old have the experience of a 79 year old. Life has to be lived one day, one hour, and each second at a time, but most importantly, what is true today, may not be true tomorrow. The earth used to be flat, remember? We’ve come a long way in 500 short years, and who knows where we’ll be in 500 more.

So while there are some evergreen, or timeless thoughts in this collection, there are some things that will be proven wrong from your own life experience, or even my life experience, over time.

That’s OK. So long as what you learn adds value, and gives you some insight into life, I will consider my goal as accomplished.

Spending time on you is the best use of time there is.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.


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