(posts / essays / articles / iterations of thoughts)

A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Be More / Be All Of You

Be All Of You

I have lots.

If you pause for a moment and think about it, so do you.

There’s a reason they call it the American dream, and I try my best to be aware that 99% of people in the world would switch places with me in a heartbeat, to have what I have.

I know that even though that is the case, it’s OK to want more.

It’s OK to try to be the better me.

It’s OK to fight and sweat and grind to get to the next level, because it’s not about everyone else.

It’s not about what they want.

It’s not about them, it’s about me.

Am I reaching my own potential? Am I reaching the goals and the places where I want to be? Am I becoming the person who has all the things I want to have? Am I being the best version of me possible? I would say yes. Yes I am.

I am on that path and I have come such a long way, but still have so far to go.

Even though the road switches between the boring and repetitive, and the amazingly challenging, it is my road.

I have chosen this path, and it will lead me to the place where i know I belong.

Enough about me. What about you?

Are you aware you are starting in such a place of abundance it’s amazing?

Are you aware that 99% of people in the world would trade places with you?

Even when starting in such a place, are you reaching your own potential? Are you working every day to improve that 1% that over time will make all the difference?

Are you taking action to get to your goals, to be who and what you want to be? Or are you staring at the latest Insta post wondering what they are doing right, because it seems like everything you’re doing is wrong?

If you haven’t started on your path, start today.

Where to start?

Clearly define what you want, then determine what kind of person would have those things, and start becoming that person today.

Be all of you. Own it. Embrace it, and love it, because you only get one you.

2024-03-16T12:44:03+00:00Be More|