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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Be Different

Be you

  • To live an exceptional life, you have to be the exception.
  • Stand out, or fit in.
  • Be the extra in extraordinary.
  • Life is a mirror.
  • You are the barrier.
  • Don’t drive with the parking brake on.
  • How can you move forward if you’re always looking backwards.
  • Don’t wave in the dark.
Being different is hard.  Really, really hard.

One of the main challenges people have in being different is throughout our lives we’re taught to fit in.  We are taught to be the same, to not rock the boat, and do what we’re told.  In fact, when we’re looking to do something new or uncomfortable, often we look into the past to see where that got us.

In the past we failed.  In the past we got laughed at.  In the past it just didn’t work out.  What you have to realize is you can’t move forward if you’re looking backwards.  Take what you need from the past, the learnings that will help you grow, and create your future.

There’s a saying in Japan that goes something like ‘the raised nail gets hammered’ and to be honest, that is true.  All the other nails in the world want you to be just like them (and instead of nails, think people).  They don’t want you to stand out.  They don’t want you to draw attention to yourself.  Think about all the stars you’ve seen who have been torn down simply because they were in the spotlight.  Just about everyone wants us to be the same as they are, with the same amount of success, joy, and love they have (or the lack thereof).

So you have to make a choice, to stand out, or to fit in.

If you choose to stand out, sometimes that means you will be standing alone.  For some, there is no greater fear than being alone.  The different path can be lonely sometimes.  It will be a path that people you currently hang out with, and who’s opinion you respect, won’t travel with you on.

That’s OK.  They are on their own path.  The thing you have to realize is on your new path, your different path, there are new people you will meet, and their path will join with yours.  Throughout life as you grow and evolve, this will happen again and again.  Your paths will diverge and rejoin, and sometimes you will choose to go your separate ways forever.

It’s your path.  When you choose to live an exceptional life, you have to be the exception.

But what if you’re not exceptional yet?  If you’re not getting what you want from life, there is a simple way to change that.  Make different choices.  Where you are, and what you have, is a direct reflection of choices you have made in the past.  You are cause, and the barrier, to your own success and happiness and life is simply a reflection.  If all you see is hate, you will only get hate.  If all you see is conformity, you will do your best to fit in.  If all you want is to be extraordinary, you have to put some extra in, and you will be all that you can be.

Let go, be you, and move forwards.

The best thing about being different is you get to be a light for others to follow.  To show all those other people trying to fit in that there is a different way.  When you are authentically you, you shine from your innermost being, and people will know how truly extraordinary you are.  If you don’t, you are doing equivalent of waving in the dark.  If you wave in the dark, no one knows you’re doing it but you.

So let your innermost being shine, and wave for others to follow you.
2023-03-01T21:21:15+00:00Choose More|