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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Choose More / Be The Leader

Be The Leader

Tons of people complain about the person in charge. Their boss. Their President. Their CEO.

In most cases, there is not a lot you can do about it, with one exception:
YOU can be the leader you want to have.

It’s simple really.

Study what that is, and then embody it.

Understand what it takes to lead. The discipline. The vision. The direction you want to go. The tough choices. The burden and responsibility of having others follow you.

If you want the job, make the necessary changes, form the required habits, do the things that must be done to become the person you want to have in your life.

That makes it easier.

If you are fortunate enough to have someone in your life you can model, who embodies what you want to be, then do the things that must be done to become like them.

If you don’t have that person, simply look online to find it. The entire world is broadcasting themselves out there. There are more lessons than you could possibly consume.

Once you have selected the person, the leader, you want to be, started practicing the things they practice. Model the decisions they make, and if you’re really brave, reach out to them and ask them to mentor you.

Every single person I’ve asked has been at least honored and flattered to have been asked. Some even say yes.

Once you start to embody their behaviors, you become like them with your own style. It feels un-natural at first, as you are rebuilding your self image. The people around you will start to notice, and you may lose some friends along the way.

That’s OK. Part of growth and change are the people around you. As you meet new people, they only know the new you. The person you are choosing to become.

Then, one day, you’ll suddenly realize you don’t have to look outside for what you seek anymore, you are it.

Your mind is a powerful thing, and you see what you want to see, you interpret what you want to interpret, and you only notice the things that align with what you believe.

So believe you can become the leader you dream of.

Believe you are the inspiration you so desire, and the interesting thing is before you know it, you are it.

2024-03-16T12:52:23+00:00Choose More|