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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Choose More / Inspired You

Inspired You

There are sources of wisdom all around you.

Something like a public figure, who gives an inspiring speech at an inauguration.

But it doesn’t have to be a huge public event. It could be something simple, and close to home.

The the dedication of your wife or husband, overseeing contractors on your home to make sure the work is done right.

The organization of a colleague, who’s dedication to a process inspires you to do more.

The volunteer on the street corner, helping the homeless person get through the night.

When you surround yourself with inspirational things, you get inspired to be the best version of yourself.

You might not be able to be an astronaut, or a deep sea diver, or anyone else other than yourself, but just know that that is enough.

If you focus on you, and get inspired by others to be your best you, the world will recognize it.

The most interesting thing is even if the world recognizes it, at that point you won’t need the recognition.

You will be grateful for it, but you won’t long for it or desire it.

When you take great joy and pleasure in who you’ve become, all other things don’t matter.

You are free.

2024-03-05T12:15:38+00:00Choose More|