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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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It is so easy to fall into a routine and just have the days, weeks, months and years roll by. You get up the same way, do the same things, and get the same outcomes.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself if you’re getting the outcomes you want? What do you have to do today, to become the person you dream about becoming?

If you are that person, great! Keep it up! If you’re not, why don’t you ask yourself some simple questions:

What IS the outcome you want?

Start there. Do you know what you want? Beyond the new phone, the new car, the new stuff. What kind of life do you want to be living? Is what you are doing today going to get you that life? If not, what do you need to do, to change it?

How can you get better?

If that sounds too overwhelming, break it down. What is the next ‘One Big Thing’ (OBT) that you can do to move yourself forward towards your goal? Do you need to acquire some knowledge, learn a new skill? Change a behaviour? Remove someone from your life who’s holding you back? What do you need to do to stop holding yourself back?

What work has to be done to get you there?

The amazing thing about the world today is you can learn just about anything you want from the experts that exist. Even better, you can learn from the experts of the past as well. You can ask yourself who do you have to listen to, who’s done what you want to do? Who has already travelled your path? Can they define the work you have to do? Can they share their experiences, and save you some hard lessons? What do you need to do to get to the next level?

What seeds are you planting?

The old saying ‘The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is today.’ is something you should keep in mind on a daily basis. What seeds are you planting in your mind? In your work? In your family? In your life? Will they grow and bear fruit? What do you need to do today, that you’ll be grateful for tomorrow?

Who do you want to become?

This is the hardest question of all. When you look at who you are today, you should be proud of all you’ve endured, all you’ve overcome. You might have had a difficult father, who thinks he knows everything, and yet plainly doesn’t. His goals are not yours. This is your life to live. You may have a disability to overcome. A difficult situation you’re in. No one is responsible for your happiness, fulfilment and joy but you. Once you take full responsibility, you will know that everything you’ve ever wanted is in your grasp. You just have to clearly define it, and go get it.

So, I’ll ask you again:

What do you have to do today, to become the person you dream about becoming?

2023-07-29T12:13:54+00:00Choose More|