The Test of You
How do you feel about yourself?
Strange question, I know, but stop, think for a minute.
Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. Do you like the reflection?
Not just the outer reflection, but the inner one.
You do realize that the older you get, the more control you have over who you are? What you look like? How you react, act, and behave? You get to control your reflection.
Sure, our parents all messed us up a bit, but most of them were doing their best with what they had. After all, think about how messed up their parents were, or your aunt and uncle are. Or your cousins. Starting to look a little more normal now aren’t you?
You’re pretty darn lucky to have who you have and to be where you are. You are alive, kicking, and reading this.
With that said, you get to control even more who you are, and how you react to the world.
- You are in control of who you are, but also who you are not.
- If you are wise, remember also to be humble.
- If you are insightful, and a teacher, also be a student.
- While you may be right more often than not, there are still times when you are wrong.
That is the excitement of life. That is the joy of the journey.
The path is unfamiliar, the dense forest of life ahead of you wild and unbroken. You must forge your way across and through, no matter what comes your way.
The journey will be full of pain, and joy, and the outcome just a foregone conclusion of a disciplined set of actions.
So when you look at yourself in your mind’s eye, tell yourself: I am who I am. No more, no less. And I am someone I love.
That is the true test of you. Do you love you?
You should. If you don’t, do something about it.