(posts / essays / articles / iterations of thoughts)

A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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It’s not only the decisions you make that affect where you are, and where you are going, in life. It’s the questions you ask.

That is where the real power is.

Your decisions are based on the choices you have. The choices you have are influenced by the questions you ask.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I want my days to look like?
  • Who do I want to be remembered as?
  • What is the difference I can make in this situation?
  • Who was impacted, why does that matter, and what have I done to make it right?
  • Is this the best use of my time to reach my goals?
  • Do I really want my goals?
  • Why am I doing this?
  • What is a better way to get the same result, but with less effort?
  • How can I be the man I know I can be?
  • What do I need to become to attract that which I want into my life?

These are all great questions, and the answers are only known to you if you take the time to stop, to think about it.

When you take the time and make the decision with emotion that forms the basis for the habit that will get you the result you want, you are ahead of the game.

That is the key.

Take the time to think. Ask yourself the relevant questions, and decide what you want.

You will see a world of difference.

2024-03-16T13:30:44+00:00Do More|