(posts / essays / articles / iterations of thoughts)

A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Do More / The 8 Equities of Life

The 8 Equities of Life

Pause for a moment.

Look at your life.

Ask yourself: Am I doing all the things I want to do in the main areas of life?

If you’re like most people, you’re not.

So here’s a quick exercise for you. It’s called The 8 Equities of Life.

Simply ask yourself this question:

In a perfect world, what would all these things look like?

  1. Family
  2. Financial
  3. Mental
  4. Spiritual
  5. Physical
  6. Social
  7. Career
  8. Relationships.

Again.  Stop for a moment.

Whatever else you’re doing, pause, and give yourself the attention you deserve.  Ask yourself these questions, and think about them for a moment:

In a perfect world, what would family look like to you?
In a perfect world, what is your financial situation?
In a perfect world, what is does your mental state look like?
In a perfect world, what is your spiritual life like?
In a perfect world, what does your physical form look like?
In a perfect world, what does your social life look like?
In a perfect world, what is your career?
In a perfect world, what kind of relationships do you have, what do they look like, and with whom?

When you take the time to think through all of these things, you will have great clarity of vision for yourself and all the parts of your life.

You will notice some discrepancies, between where you are, and where you want to be in some of these areas.

That’s OK. That’s actually the point of all this. To figure out what you want.

Now that you know, the next question is what are you going to do about it?

Don’t overwhelm yourself, just pick one thing to start, to build momentum. What is one thing you can do today, to move yourself closer to where you want to be?

Starting today, can you schedule something into your calendar right now that will help you achieve your goal?

Starting today, can you use what you’ve learned, and take yourself to the next level?

Starting today, can you be all you were meant to be?

Starting today, can you do what you need to do to make those around you happy?

Simply start with this thought in mind: From this day forward, I am going to do what is my priority, and nothing will stop me from reaching my goals.

Remember, your success can only be measured relative to your own potential.

And I am excited about your potential.

2024-05-23T13:55:44+00:00Do More|