(posts / essays / articles / iterations of thoughts)

A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Dream More / Bend in the Path

Bend in the Path

Life is a journey like no other. It is the overarching theme that guides you in the day to day.

When you stop and think about it the day to day is where the difference is made.

The one small step today, the giant leap tomorrow, and the two steps back the day after that.

They are all part of the path you travel.

This path of life, it has roots that will trip you up, brambles you will have to fight through, and it will sometimes be hard to see beyond the next bend in the path.

There are traps, obstacles, and most frustratingly distractions of other paths that will try to keep you from where you are going.

There is a secret to walking the path, it is to keep your eyes in three places at once: the distant goal, the next milestone, and the next step. Do that, and you will get there eventually.

That is the excitement of life. Everyone lives it and the longer you live, the more you have experienced.

The more you have experienced the harder it is to have childlike wonder in your day.

If you’re not careful, life starts to wear on you. You can fight this if you are doing something that keeps you engaged, keeps you going on the path, then each and every day is a great day.

That’s what today is. Full of potential, full of life, and full of possibilities. I can hardly wait to see what the future holds, for me and for you.

2024-03-05T12:20:03+00:00Dream More|