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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Dream More / Clarity


Clarity. Such an amazing thing. In this particular case I’m not talking about clarity of vision in the normal sense, but when something aligns with something else in your mind, and all of a sudden it becomes clear.

What becomes clear? An idea. The next step. A strategy.

All the learning you’ve done coalesces into something that all of a sudden becomes a simple idea.

E=Mc2 is one example.

It’s neither simple, nor intuitive, but it’s an example of a moment of clarity.

Even better than that, it basically says mass IS energy, and that takes a moment to wrap your brain around. I’ll take it to the next step, and put forward the idea that thoughts are energy too.

Which brings us to an interesting perspective, and a couple of questions for you to ponder:

If you just sit there and think, is it possible to burn energy like you were going for a run?

How is it that your brain, this little 10 lb mass on top of your shoulders, uses 25% of all your calorie intake?

How do you turn food into chemical and electrical reactions, that process as thoughts, dreams and resulting actions?

The brain and body are pretty amazing things, but the best part is when they come together to get you to a realization. That realization might be at the beginning of the path, or at the cutting edge.

As I’ve said in other posts, the highest form of genius is simple.

It might be simple, or it might be simplifying the complex, but if it provides clarity, it’s genius.

2023-07-29T11:58:24+00:00Dream More|