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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Dream More / The Future

The Future

The possibilities are limitless.

  • Do something today for tomorrow you.
  • Be a good ancestor.
  • Are you doing something for your first name, or your last name?
  • Who you were yesterday, is not who you are today, or who you will be tomorrow.
  • Plant trees under which who’s shade you do not intend to sit.
  • Impossible things happen.
  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  • Quantum thinking. The future is an infinite number of possibilities. What you choose to manifest is what will happen.

The future is an interesting concept.

Believe it or not, we have influence over what happens tomorrow, next week, and next year. This was introduced to me as quantum thinking. While this sounds complex, it’s really quite simple.

Quantum Thinking

My definition of quantum thinking is as follows: there are an infinite number of possibilities that have different probabilities of coming true, and the more you focus and work towards something, the more likely it will come true. And the closer you get to it, the higher the odds of that thing actually happening.

Let me use an example of quantum thinking.

Let’s say for a moment you are 16 years old, and just got your drivers license. Now that you have the opportunity to drive, you can imagine a world where you had your own car, and were driving you and your friends going to a restaurant to celebrate.

Now you might not have enough money to buy a car right now, but because of the action you took, getting a driver’s license, having a car is now in your realm of possibilities. The probabilities are low and you face some fundamental challenges such as you don’t have money, you’re not sure what kind of car, and you don’t know exactly when, but the probability is there and that probability is greater than it was just a few days before.

Let’s continue down this path and assume that because you can have a car, you decide you actually want a car.

You’re done with the bus. You’re done with getting driven around by your friends. It becomes a priority for you. You decide to get a part time job while you’re in school, to save money to buy a car.

The probability of getting that car rises with each paycheck, and each deposit into savings. A year or two goes by, and you’re savings are starting to pile up. The probabilities are getting better and better! As you’re about to graduate from high school, you take that money you’ve saved, go to a used car dealership, and buy your first car.

You, through the choices you made to get your license, get a job, save your money, eventually manifested that car into your life. You could have used the money to party, or online game, or buy coffee, but you didn’t. You made that one probability come to life out of almost infinite probabilities, and infinite choices.

This is a very basic example, but represents everything in your life. You want that job, you can make it happen as it’s one of an infinite number of possibilities. And with time, focus, and effort, you can make it happen.

You want that attractive partner, but you’re not attractive yourself right now? You can make it happen with time, effort and focus to make yourself more attractive.

Tomorrow You

Where this gets interesting is how what you are trying to manifest impacts other people. You can manifest larger things, like governmental change, or cure disease, or stop the depletion of the ozone layer. These things can happen, especially if more and more people are visualizing them happening, and working hard to make them come true.

Every day you’re faced with the choice of doing something right now that feels good, or tastes good, or you just plain want to do at the expense of tomorrow you. If you have those 6 Krispy Kreme donuts, and you have them every day, before long you’re going to start putting on some unhealthy weight. That unhealthy weight can start to impact your enjoyment of life, and that lack of enjoyment can start to impact you in other ways.

I’m not saying don’t have the Krispy Kremes ever, but if you keep your treats to ‘occasionally’ or ‘sometimes’ the negative impact will be small.

The choices you face like this are not easy.

It doesn’t come naturally for people to choose something less good like salad, or less comfortable like walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. And these choices aren’t just around food and exercise. They are around how you spend your time.

Did you spend your time learning, or being entertained by YouTube. Did you hold that grudge, or did you forgive and move on? What choice did you make, and was it for today you, or tomorrow you. Because the more choices you make to benefit tomorrow you, the better off you’ll be.

Do Something For Your Last Name

This choice also extends beyond just you, it extends to your family as well.

You could think of it this way: Are you doing something for your first name, or your last name? Are you working towards something that just makes you better, or something that will benefit your family for years, or generations to come?

Wealth is a good example of this.

You can have some savings, you can make lots of money, and you can build assets and income that will benefit generations of family members. The Ford motor company is a good example.

A hundred years ago Henry Ford built a car company that today is worth billions of dollars. He has more than a hundred descendants, and thousands of strangers who own Ford stock in the stock market, that he’s enriched by building that company.

That’s generational wealth.

That is building for your last name, and so much so, he has his last name on thousands and thousands of vehicles all over the world. It might be an extreme example, but when you’re considering things, ask yourself, is this for your first name, or your last name. In my mind, you should try to be a good ancestor.

Who You Were Yesterday is Not Who You Will Be Tomorrow

The great thing about time, and the quantum future, is you have the ability to change yourself.

Sure, you have some genetic gifts of memory, or some physical gifts of size and strength, but when it all comes down to it we’re all pretty similar. Even the most gifted among us can be out-performed by some technology or other.

So given what you have, you have the ability to change who you are, how you view things, and what you are going to become. You may have some history you’re not proud of. Or some experience that wasn’t great. Or some habits that do more harm to you than good.

The really, really good news is who you were yesterday, is not who you are today, or who you will be tomorrow. You have control over who you are, and who you will become, but it won’t happen overnight.

Your habits create easy paths to follow, like a river cutting through a valley. It takes work, and commitment to walk a different path, and create those new habits. But the future possibilities are yours to create. You just have to take the time and effort to make them happen.

Seemingly Impossible Things Happen

Just imagine trying to tell someone from 500 years ago, that we would send rockets into space, talk to people all over the world from a little box we carry in our pocket, and that the world is round! They would have thought we were magicians because any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Just think about all the magical possibilities that will happen in your lifetime. It’s truly amazing.

The final thought I have about the future is you can help create it. You can do things today that impact people who won’t be born until a lifetime beyond yours. What you want that impact to be is totally up to you, but you can simply start by planting a tree.

It takes a generation to grow to the point where it can provide fruit to eat, or a home for wildlife, or provide shade when you sit under it, but that shouldn’t matter.  What matters is you’re thinking of the future. You’re doing something for your last name. You’re making the quantum future manifest what you want for yourself and your family.

That’s the amazing thing about the future. The possibilities are limitless.

2022-05-30T23:59:30+00:00Dream More|