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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Dream More / Wonder


It’s interesting, as you get older, you’ve been there, done that. You’ve seen this, you’ve seen that, and most things become ‘another one of those’.

But every now and again there is something you haven’t seen before. And you think to yourself: Where has that been all my life?

You’re filled with wonder.

That feeling of wonder is a special feeling because it’s so rare, and the best part is it’s often other people who inspire that feeling in you.

Some are driven, some are content, and every now and then someone does something amazing that moves us forward a little bit.

That said, the truly awesome among us are the simple folk. People with a hope and a dream, and a moment to shine. People who toil alone, hammering on their craft in the darkness. Those who practice, when no one else is looking or cares.

I’ve come to think of it like signaling a plane using a mirror to reflecting the sun. These people, when they finally have their moment, are blindingly bright against the darkest of backgrounds, and you can be that source of light.

Every single moment of your life, you can be an inspiration to others, so long as you are on the journey to reaching your fullest potential.

And others will wonder at you.

The feeling of wonder just isn’t around enough. Don’t ever lose it. Don’t ever forget it.

Embrace it where you find it, and revel in the moment.

2024-05-24T13:05:57+00:00Dream More|