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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Hire Your Weaknesses

When I was growing up, and even today, my teachers taught me to work on my weaknesses, and make them stronger.

If you suck at math, spend time doing math problems.

If you suck at English, write more.

If you suck at sports, all you have to do is spend hours and hours on the court shooting baskets, or pucks in the net.

This seemed to make sense at the time. By working on your weaknesses, you become a more well rounded person. You become more like everyone else, and you fit into the mold that has been created for you.

But as I got older, and got into the working world, I realized this wasn’t a great strategy.

I found the only people who were truly successful were not well rounded, they were highly skilled specialists.

It took me a while to notice, but I slowly realized they tended to be great in one or two things. They had some natural affinity for something, some skill or penchant for a thing, and they spent their time working on that and making their gifts stronger.

Now this often threw them out of balance because the hard reality is we only have 24 hours in the day. And how you spend your time determines your future.

So if you spend your time working on your weaknesses, to the end that you will be average, mediocre even, at that thing, pause for a moment.

Ask yourself how strong you would be if you spent that time focusing on the thing you’re strong in. The thing you’re best at. The things that come naturally to you?

If there is something you’re not good at, and no matter how hard you try, you’re never going to be good at it, why are you trying to swim up stream? Why are you fighting a battle for mediocrity?

Take a look around. Is there someone who excels at the thing you’re bad at?

Are you messy? Is there someone you know who’s organized?

Do you know only one language? Is there a tool or person who could be a translator for you?

This is true in your work life too. The vast majority of work is done as a group.

As romantic as the tale is of a single person toiling alone into the night and finding success is, it’s the hard way to do things.

You can’t be good at everything.

That’s why there are salespeople and accountants, CEO’s and warehouse staff. Everyone has tremendous potential, and a natural inclination to something. And by specializing, having those people who are good at that thing, spend their time on that thing, everything will be better.

So, know your strengths, and more importantly, know your weaknesses, and hire for your weaknesses. If there’s still some gaps, hire more people. The group can do way more than the individual can.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

2023-07-29T11:52:30+00:00Get More|