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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Who Is Next?

The first, there is no success without a successor.

The second, don’t hang out with people who compete with you, hang out with people who complete you.

The third, always be interviewing, hire your weaknesses, and build your team.

  • There are many ways to look at success in your life:
  • Did you accomplish your goals?
  • Did you make all the money you wanted to make, to have all the stuff you want to have?
  • Do you have loving relationships?
  • What about your fitness? Is it as good as it could be?

All of these things are indicators of success, depending on what’s important to you. But true success isn’t about you, it’s about what’s next.

It’s about who are you passing to torch too? Real leaders, make more leaders, who then lead more leaders.

Success is defined not only what you’ve done, but what the people who believe in, imitate, mimic, copy, steal, and duplicate what you do. This should be a deliberate process in your family, community, and business.

Who is next? Next in line to succeed you. Next in line to do great things. The next amazing person who spends the time becoming their best.

When I think of an example, I think of some lawyer friends I have. They work so hard they get divorced, and lose their families, but they get to go home to their mansions at the end of the day. But what do they have, really?


They die lonely, surrounded by no one. With no love in their life because they chose the wrong measure of success.

If you don’t have a successor, you are not truly successful.

2023-07-26T19:41:22+00:00Get More|