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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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You don’t talk about fight club, but you should talk about faith.

  • Most religions are fundamentally  the same
  • Keep moving forward
  • Love can be your religion
Oh divine providence, I ask not for more riches, but more wisdom for which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth, in the form of the power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends I desire.

This prayer is a good one for all religions.  It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, or Muslim, or Mormon, or Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist, Confusionist or Simulationist, whatever your religion, they are all similar.  This prayer works for all of them.  It acknowledges there is a higher being, and the ask is that higher being show you the way to self control.  To self actualization.  To self realization.  To reach your own potential.

Religions, like all people regardless of sexual orientation or skin color, are more alike then they are different.  It is the people who practice them, the people who interpret the teachings of those who come before them in a way that serves their purpose, that matters.  You have the choice to interpret whatever someone else, including me, says to you.  You can take what you want from everyone around you, twist their words, and create outcomes of your own desire from them.

I look at faith in some higher power as useful so long as it helps people move forward, provides structure, a common set of rules, and positive ways to deal with each other.  A common set of beliefs that are beneficial to all is the highest form of religion in my opinion.  Whether you get that in a church, a mosque, or in a temple, so long as you get it, that’s all that matters.

There have been many times when people will contradict the teachings of old, they will try to take a story from a thousand years ago, that has been passed down through generations and corrupted like a game of broken telephone, and related to today to try to create certainty in an uncertain world.  This can be both good and bad. 

Some people use these stories to create cause, where there really is none.  To create an us versus them effect.  To move people to action for or against something related to a story they tell themselves.  Great wrongs have been done in the name of one religion or another, but don’t let that stop you from having faith.

My suggestion is to have faith in love.  Have faith in humanity.  Have faith in each other, and most importantly, have faith in yourself.  Faith that you can become whomever you want to become.  There are certain traits and abilities you are given as gifts, and everything else is up to you.  I believe in you.  I have faith in you.

With all of this said, I want to make clear there is no pressure in this belief.  You do not have to ‘be’ anything more than you are.  Anything more than you have been.  Anything more than you are capable of becoming.  Mistakes, warts, and all.  You have your own life, your own experiences, and your own outcomes.  There is no pressure to be the best.  I am not the best at anything except being me.  And you are the same.  You’ve already won that battle.  You are unique.  You are you, and most importantly, that is enough for me.  I hope it is enough for you as well.

So take your faith, whatever that may be, and make the best of it.  Use your faith in unique ways to make a difference in your life, and the lives of those around you.  Use it to direct your mind to whatever ends you desire.  Your life, and the lives of those around you, will be more full because of it.
2023-03-01T21:58:10+00:00Give More|