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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Walk The Path

What does your path look like?

There are all kinds of references to following the pack, to walking on the path less travelled, to making choices that will put you on a different path.

What I’ve come to realize is the path that I take, has been travelled before, and that’s a good thing!

Nothing I am currently doing hasn’t been done by someone in the past. Nothing that is happening in business, entrepreneurship, parenting, dieting, life, or anything else I’m doing hasn’t been done before.

Nobody has done it quite like me, but that’s a style thing. The actual ‘what’, has been done.

People have used the tools I’m using to get results. People have performed the actions I am currently performing, and got results.

For years and years I would try to reinvent the wheel. Try to fight the status quo. One great example is organizational design. For some reason I got it in my head that organizations didn’t need to be organized in the way they were. The hierarchy wasn’t useful.

People could be self organizing, and get better results.

I was wrong. It’s literally right there in the name. “Organize”ation.

But I didn’t listen, and spent years of my life in frustration. Trying and failing to get where I needed to go. The worst part is it wasn’t just my frustration, it was those around me were just as frustrated by this process.

People aren’t mind readers. They need clarity, and it was a lack of clarity that caused most of my issues.

The rebellious streak would have to find a home elsewhere, because what I’ve learned is it’s easier to talk to the people you stumble across on your path, who are on their way back from wherever you are trying to go, and who tell you what lies ahead.

The people who have been there, and know the way, and are willing to guide you are worth their weight in gold.

This is a fact, and it’s what I’m trying to do today.

Whatever path you choose, has not been used up. There is no lack of money still on that path, there is no finite amount of resources on that path.

You don’t have to fight and forge a path when others who are no smarter than you are have been there already. They have tried, and failed. Tried and failed. Tried, and finally succeeded, and are attempting to save you some of the headache, heartache and trauma they suffered.

Simply be smart enough to ask, listen, and act on what they tell you.

Here’s what I’m telling you: Go down the path of your dreams, face the wilderness armed with all the knowledge of those who have gone before you, then strike out into the jungle. Follow their guidance and live your life to it’s fullest.

Then, one day, you can than be the one coming back on the path, showing others the way.

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