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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Your Must

You will always get your musts.

Let me explain. If there is something you must have, absolutely MUST have, you will get it. How? You will sacrifice anything to get it to the detriment of everything else.

Read it again. ‘To the detriment of everything else’.

What does that imply? If you must have wealth, you will sacrifice other things, like family, to get it. If you must have success, you will sacrifice other things, like your values, to get it. If you must win, you will do so no matter what the consequences.

When you realize this is the truth, and the power that you hold over yourself, you have to be careful with it.

I have a feeling your purpose of life is more than that desire to get what you want. What you ‘must’.

So how do you harness that power? How do you focus that energy?

Make your ‘must’ about something bigger than yourself. Something that needs to be solved, or worked on, or fixed to improve the world around you.

Often, the drive in people comes from a life experience. They were wronged. Something happened to their family that impacts them for the rest of their lives.

If you are able to have a thought about how you would design your musts, the question becomes how do you make your musts so they benefit not just you, but everyone around you.

How do you create the dreams you always wanted, but make the dreams of those around you come alive too?

How do you become the catalyst for change that makes the world a better place because you came this way?

How do you make all the things you dream about come to pass?

I don’t have a one-size-fits-all answer because everyone is different. What matters tremendously to you, might not even resonate with someone else. So what can you do about it?

Live to your fullest potential every day.

And living like this doesn’t have to be exhausting, it can be exhilarating. It can be uplifting. It can be who you are.

I’m grateful for who I am today, who I was, and who I am yet to become. All those people are me, and it’s an amazing journey.

The best part is if your must is bigger than just you, you will be pulled to do more than you ever thought possible, and other people will be drawn to your cause and make it their own.

If your goal is to cure cancer, you can’t do it alone. If your must is to end poverty, it’s going to take more than just a big check to get it done.

If your cause is bigger than yourself, you must fulfill your own potential, and you will bring others forward with you.

And that’s pretty amazing.

2024-05-07T12:49:31+00:00Give More|