(posts / essays / articles / iterations of thoughts)

A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Have More / First and Last Thing

First and Last Thing

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?

The answer to both questions is probably ‘look at my phone’. Or it might be ‘go to the toilet, then look at my phone.’ or even ‘look at my phone WHILE I sit on the toilet.’

I’m going to offer a suggestion. Instead of looking at your phone, why don’t you look at your goals? Sure, you might have them on your phone, but I’m going to recommend having your phone charge in a different room, and you look at your goals on a piece of paper.

Write them down, then look at them. Daily. Twice a day even.

This constant reminder will keep you focused. Keep you driven towards your goal. I know of two people (other than me) who do this every day: Damon Jean, and Grant Cardone. They are both successful, they are both not perfect, but they are hustling, moving forward, even though they already have lots and live in an abundant world.

When you hear about how someone does something, you have a choice: You can do nothing with it, or you can consider the benefits of that thing and choose to adopt it.

This is a simple thing.

It won’t take much time and after all, if they’re your goals, why not keep them top of mind?

2023-07-26T19:32:49+00:00Have More|