(posts / essays / articles / iterations of thoughts)

A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Go With The Flow

Despite the negative connotations, I think it’s pretty amazing we all have the ability to be fat.

To have such an abundance of wealth, available products, and a safe environment to be fat means that life by default is pretty good.

So when you stop for a moment, and realize just how lucky you are to be able to complain that you are fat, that’s actually pretty amazing.

If you’re fat, and you don’t like it, this is the moment for you. The moment that you realize what is in your control, and what isn’t, is the moment you are truly free.

All you can control is your actions and reactions to things. If you are fat, and don’t like it, eat less.

If you are poor, educate yourself, and learn how to save more.

If you are unhappy, be grateful for whatever it is you do have, take joy in the small things, and do your best to change your outlook.

Life when you look at it this way is pretty easy, and I’m expressing my privilege by even commenting on things like this.

Yet our interpretation is that life is a constant battle. Is it really? Do you have to go out and hunt for your next meal, or can you just Uber Eats it in.

Is that a real, life threatening challenge, a do-or-die situation, or is it just some hard stuff you have to go through?

You think life is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t have to be all anguish and suffering because we don’t have what we want.

It doesn’t have to be all sweat and tears.

Like a fish in a stream, sometimes it makes sense to go with the flow, and that way you don’t kill yourself on the rocks and rapids trying to swim upstream.

There’s also no point in getting angry at the stream. It just flows. How you react to the stream of your life is just like that.

It’s flowing, so go with it.

2024-03-15T13:18:51+00:00Have More|