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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Flat Earth

Life is an ever-evolving journey, and the ability to read is a great shortcut to success. The ability to comprehend is one thing, but the ability to learn and apply is another.

The ability to have a disciplined approach and follow through is huge, and is one of the keys to success.

All that said you have to also remember we only know what we know today, and everything we know is fact, but that’s changing.

A hard realization I’ve had to come to is a solid, widely held belief today, can be proven wrong in the future. Let me give you a couple of examples.

The earth is flat.

The sun rotates around the earth.

Both of these things were given truths, understood and believed by almost everyone just a couple hundred years ago.

Sure, now we look back and laugh because we know better. But that got me thinking. There were some pretty smart people around 500 years ago when these beliefs were accepted as truths.

So what you have to ask yourself is; What is the fundamental belief we hold today that is wrong?

The key here is not right or wrong, it is being open to change, and adapting your beliefs to the new reality.

That is the hard part.

Habits are like rivers, and like rivers they create canyons of thought that are easy to follow, and turn into deep seated beliefs. Those canyon walls can be high and insurmountable if you’re not careful.

It will take tons of contrary thoughts and evidence to fill in those valleys of incorrect thought, and just like the flat-eathers of today, some people can never climb out.

Don’t be one of them. Be flexible in your thoughts, your beliefs, your truths.

There may be some errors in there that need to be corrected.

2024-05-07T12:58:39+00:00Learn More|