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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Your mindset is half the battle.

  • You can, you can. You can’t you can’t.
  • The stories you tell yourself are the truth, whether they are true or not.
  • Have a mindset of abundance.
  • Think about what you think about.
  • What I think. How I act. What I love.
  • Stay in the mindset of the moment.
  • You become what you think about most of the time.

Your greatest critic, your greatest threat, and your greatest asset is one thing: Your mindset.

If you tell yourself you can, you can. If you tell yourself you can’t, you can’t. Both are as true as you make them. What is possible, is up to you.

When you are young, or new at something, generally your mindset is fragile. You can know you are on the right path, and then make a mistake. The result of the mistake is you tell yourself a story. I wasn’t good enough. Everyone is laughing at me. I can’t believe I did that.

Stories Are The Truth

What you have to realize is a couple of things: The first and foremost is in 90% of the situations, people aren’t thinking about you. They are thinking about them. Once you realize that, it makes it a whole lot easier to let mistakes go.

The second thing you have to realize is the stories you tell yourself ARE the truth to you and will affect your mindset, whether they are true or not. You know at a high level your memory is flawed, and your perception can be tricked into seeing things that aren’t there. But in the moment, you tend to forget that.

This is a superpower if you learn to control it.

You can tell yourself whatever you want about a situation and an outcome. Don’t delude yourself, but there are many perspectives and interpretations of events. So if you’re going to tell yourself a story, be kind, and tell the best version there is.

What You Think About

Do you ever take the time to think about what you think about?

Take a moment and ask yourself: Is your mindset one of scarcity? One that limits you and your dreams?

You may have had hard lessons in the past, but what about the future? The future is abundant!

You can think about whatever you want to think about, so why not think about a world where anything is possible? Where you can achieve your dreams, and help the dreams of those around you come true? You can, all you have to do is try.

There are entire books written about how to act, what do to, and when you should do it. But it all starts with you and how you think, because you become what you think about most of the time. There’s an old saying, ‘When you’re going through hell, keep going.’

So think about good things, tell yourself good stories, and understand your mindset is more than half the battle.

2022-05-31T00:01:45+00:00Learn More|