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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

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Small Fires

The world is a series of iterations and lessons.

You get presented the same lesson over and over again in different forms until you learn it or you die. Whichever comes first.

That is not meant to be a negative statement, just a fact of life.

You will progress in life as far as you are willing to battle and strive forward. How many lessons are you willing to learn? How far you are willing to push yourself and become stronger. How far your emotion and intellect can take you to strengthen your will and resilience.

This is another important fact of life. In the past, only the strong survive. Due to all the progress, and evolution, it’s more than that now. And in fact, rather than only the strong survive, it is now only the weakest die.

So it’s no longer the best of us that live, and procreate, and pass our genes onto the next generation, it’s almost everyone.

That complicates things, but not necessarily in a bad way. When we understand that the strong can, will, and are helping the weak. And that’s pretty amazing.

One way I’ve heard it put is you are like a cup and saucer. You have to fill your own cup through learning, through experience, and build up your resilience until you are full. So full in fact that your cup spills out into your saucer.

This is abundance.

You can help, nourish, and feed others from your saucer, and still keep enough in your cup for you to be full.

There is a fine line between helping those who need it, and feeding the takers who will be content, and entitled, to do nothing. If too much of this happens, and while it is good in the short term, it’s like the natural buildup of dry plant material in a forest.

Those small piles of dry leaves are prone to catch fire, and the good news is you can put out the small fires. But eventually, if you’re not careful, too much flammable material will accumulate and there’s going to be a big fire that you can’t stop.

Right now there are small fires in Ukraine. Small fires in Gaza. Small fires in Taiwan. And if we’re not careful, these things can spread.

That’s a depressing thought, and you can’t worry too much about it. You simply have to be the best version of yourself possible.

Reach your highest potential, help those who need it, contribute where you can, and before you know it, you’ll be able to lift those around you up and feed them from your saucer.

2024-05-30T12:14:21+00:00Learn More|