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The Suleyman Test

The New Turing Test Isn’t About Passing a Test, It’s About What It Can Do.

So I read this post: Mustafa Suleyman: My new Turing test would see if AI can make $1 million

And it shifted the way I think.

It brought something vague and hard to grasp sharply into focus.

The article brought home to me that the unique skill I have as an entrepreneur, and all that I’ve learned in the past 25 years on this journey, will be fundamentally useless in a year or two.

AI’s will be able to make $1,000,000.

The Sulyman Test

It’s interesting that the original Turing Test has basically been passed, and as such, we as humans want to move the goal posts.  Moving from a measure of ‘intelligence’ to measuring what it can ‘do’.

The author, Mustafa Suleyman, is a former founder of Google Deepmind, is an authority in the space.  He proposes that the next step on the road to AGI (artificial general intelligence) is ACI (artificial capable intelligence).

He proposes you give an ACI some capital, and a goal of making $1,000,000, and let it go.  The humans will have to approve various things, but otherwise do nothing.

I learned a long time ago that businesses are fundamentally two things: People and Processes, and what this article proposes is the fundamental elimination of the ‘people’ side of the equation.

That kinda blows my mind, and as such, my thoughts around it are not fully formed.

He says something like this could be as little as two years away.  All the ingredients are there.  The technical challenges are what AI developers call hierarchical planning: stitching multiple goals, subgoals, and capabilities into a seamless process toward a singular end; and then augmenting this capability with a reliable memory; drawing on accurate and up-to-date databases of, say, components or logistics.

As I sit here, and wonder about the future, wonder what my role will be.  Wonder what the future will hold for all of us, and I realize I’m not going to get much work done today.


2023-07-26T12:36:59+00:00Learn More|