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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Learn More / Your Own Best Self

Your Own Best Self

Stop aspiring to be anyone but your own best self.

You might be tempted to look at others, and see what they’ve got, and want it too. The truth of the matter is you don’t know their full story.

You don’t know what they’ve had to go through to get all that. You don’t know the battles, the sacrifices, and what they actually think of themselves.

How could you? You haven’t lived their life.

So why would you want what they have?

This life is a journey of self exploration, self discovery, and self actualization.

I want to be the best me, because to improve my results, I have to be better.

To get all that I want I have to become someone who has the ability to have those things.

If I want twice the results, I have to be at least twice as good.

If I want 10x the results, I have to be 10x better, and being 10x better means doing things differently.

It’s not always about effort, it’s about results. It’s about preparation AND perspiration. It’s about doing the little things that make me better every single day, even if I don’t want to do them.

I made that choice a long time ago, and now I’m living it. I like the path I’m on, I like the person I see in the mirror, and I like where I’m going. So even though I don’t want to do it, I have to do it because I know that is the right path to get what I want.

So you have to ask yourself, do you like who you see in the mirror? Do you like the situation you’re in, or path you’re on?

If not, how are you fixing that, and getting on the path to your own best self?

2024-03-15T13:23:32+00:00Learn More|