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A few things I’ve learned the hard way you might find useful.

Home / Overcome More / The Sun

The Sun

Some days are hard.

Some days just seem like they are never going to end.

Some days it’s almost impossible to get out of bed, and face the world.

Everywhere you go, there are bad things happening. Small things, like you forgot your phone at home. Larger things, like getting stuck in traffic, so you’re going to be late. Even larger things like recessions, and war.

It’s everywhere around you, and while all of these things are reality, remember there is good news too.

People spreading the word about grateful events, such as an impromptu wedding on a plane, married by a stranger, with a donut for the wedding cake.

Or a baby being born on the back of the bus, delivered by the bus driver and a helpful passenger.

Or a baby deer, that made friends with a puppy dog, that many years later still see each other every day.

When you are alone in the dark, in the middle of the night. Things seem so hopeless. So difficult. So miserable.

But if you look up into that dark night sky, you will see little twinkling lights shining down on us, and, if you wait for a little bit, there is a big shining light that make the sky brighter and brighter.

It’s called the sun, and we need it to survive.

The point is, even in your darkest time, in the longest night of winter, just remember things will change, and the sun will rise again.

It always does and I’m grateful for that.

2023-07-31T11:39:38+00:00Overcome More|